Cover Up My Es Name Tatoo Funny Joke
Have you ever been in love? It's like a drug. Being in love can make you lose your head and do wild things you would otherwise never dream of... like getting the name and / or picture of your current partner tattooed on your body. In ink. Permanent ink.
Too often, those relationships don't work out, and then you're stuck with a tattoo that reminds you daily of the person who broke your heart. But people all over the world are finding super clever ways to cover up those tattoos of their exes. Some are hilarious. Others are simply fitting. Here are some of our favorite ex coverup tattoos.
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Big ol' spider
Now, instead of getting spooked every time he sees that tattoo that reminded him of his ex, he'll get spooked by this giant, scary spider instead! Honestly, that's 100 percent worth it.
Hilarious. Love a tattoo recipient with a sense of humor. Tayla may be voided in his heart and on his body, but I like to think she's out there living her best life without a dumb tattoo of her ex's name on her body at all.
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Giant rose
Turns out JS wasn't the missing puzzle piece but instead one of those puzzle pieces that looks like it's going to fit and you keep finding it and trying it in that one spot and it never actually fits and it's super frustrating. Glad JS was covered over with a big, beautiful rose.
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Mountain range
Bye, bye Chloë. Hello, dark forest in which she'll be forever trapped, and hello to all those mountains you will climb now that you are free from her clutches.
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Painted over
This is great. I assume this person met Summer in barber school. Too bad it came time to cut Summer out of their life. But this little stick figure painter looks like he's got it under control.
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Have faith
Whoa, this is clever. Frank became "faith" with a cross in front of it. This tattoo artist is a literal genius. I for one have total faith that, with this tattoo coverup, Frank will soon be completely erased from his ex's memory.
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Scary skull
Hm, yeah, this seems about right. It's almost like Elsie transformed her ex into a toothless human skull clearly in agony over how the relationship went down. Or maybe Elsie is the scary skull monster haunting him... Basically, this is a very symbolic tattoo.
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San Francisco
Ah yes. I've seen this before. You trade in Francesca for the wonderful city of San Francisco. San Francisco knows how to treat you right. San Francisco would never cheat on your with Dave.
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I thee wed
Oof. Let me just say that I am not a fan of the whole "tattooed wedding ring" thing for this exact reason. Even with the cool coverup, people are still going to know something went down when they see a tattoo on your left hand's ring finger.
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Your name
This is hilarious. I love the idea of just scribbling out an ex's name and pointing to it like, "Yup, that was a mistake! In fact, because you asked me about it, that's now your name under there. And you have no way of knowing if I'm telling the truth or not."
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Wise old owl
You can always cover up your ex's name with an adorable little owl. Of course, this signifies how much wiser you are now that you are not in that toxic relationship anymore. Look at that owl's face. It knows what you did, and it's proud of you for maturing.
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Football helmet
This is smart because, unlike Chris, your college football team will never let you down. Yes, your relationship may have peaks and valleys, but you know that fandom is forever.
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Now, instead of his name, she has a huge, gorgeous feather, one that was definitely part of those wings she flapped to get the heck away from her ex. Now, when people ask her about it, she can be like, "Oh, it symbolizes my freedom... from a real jerk!"
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Vroom vroom
Look, the car was always the love of his life. Now he has the room to properly memorialize her. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually broke up with Damla just so he could get the car tattoo without feeling guilty.
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You know that old saying... Where there's a Will, there's a way to cover up Will when he shatters your heart into a thousand pieces. And the way to do that is to turn his name into a butterfly so much more beautiful than he ever was. Yeah, I think that's how the saying goes.
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It takes a big man to admit his mistakes... and cross out those mistakes in permanent ink... and correct those mistakes in permanent ink. Let's hope Hollie is with him for the long run, because he's quickly running out of arm space.
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Kim to Medusa
What do you do when you have a big ol' portrait of your ex-wife tattooed on your arm? Why, you turn her into Medusa, of course! Sorry Kim, but I like Medusa's hair better. It just has more movement, you know?
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Bird of prey
Too bad this vicious bird of prey came down and snatched Tabitha Ann's name away forever and also deleted her number from your phone and also unfriended her on Facebook and also cut her face out of all the pictures in your house. That is one vindictive bird!
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Mary to Marge
This might be my favorite tattoo of the bunch. Not only does Mary get the shaft in favor of TV's best mom, Marge Simpson, but Marge is looking super sexy while she washes the floor. This is an upgrade and a half.
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The best part about this tattoo is talking to people who knew he broke up with Kayleigh. They'd be like, "Dude, what about the tattoo on your back?" and he'd lift his shirt and BAM! Most badass Batman tattoo ever.
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