How to Read an Anova Test Table in Apa Format

These sample tables illustrate how to fix tables in APA Mode. When possible, use a canonical, or standard, format for a table rather than inventing your ain format. The use of standard formats helps readers know where to look for information.

In that location many ways to make a table, and the samples shown on this page represent just some of the possibilities. The samples show the following options:

  • The sample factor assay table shows how to include a copyright attribution in a table notation when y'all take reprinted or adapted a copyrighted table from a scholarly piece of work such as a journal commodity (the format of the copyright attribution will vary depending on the source of the tabular array).
  • The sample regression table shows how to include conviction intervals in separate columns; information technology is as well possible to place confidence intervals in square brackets in a single column (an case of this is provided in the Publication Manual).
  • The sample qualitative tabular array and the sample mixed methods tabular array demonstrate how to use left alignment inside the table body to better readability when the table contains lots of text.

Sample demographic characteristics table

Table 1

Sociodemographic Characteristics of Participants at Baseline

Baseline characteristic

Guided self-assistance

Unguided self-help

Wait-listing control

Full sample

n % northward % n % n %


  Female person 25 fifty 20 40 23 46 68 45.3
  Male 25 50 xxx threescore 27 54 82
Marital status
  Single  13 26 xi  22  17 34 41  27.3
  Married/partnered  35  seventy 38  76  28 56 101  67.3
  Divorced/widowed  1 2 1  ii  4  8  6  iv.0
  Other  1 1  0  0  i  two  2 1.three
Children a  26 52 26  52  22  44  74 49.three
Cohabitating  37 74  36 72  26  52  99  66.0
 Highest educational
   Center school  0  0  ane  two  one  2  two  1.3
   High schoolhouse/some
 22  44  17  34  13  26  52 34.7
   University or
postgraduate degree
 27  54  30  60  32  64 89  59.3
  Unemployed  3  6 v 10  ii  4  10 half dozen.7
  Educatee  8  16  7 14  3  six  18 12.0
  Employed  30  60  29  58  40  80 99  66.0
  Cocky-employed  9  eighteen  vii  xiv  5  10  21 fourteen.0
  Retired  0 0  2 iv  0  0  2 1.3
Previous psychological
treatment a
 17  34  xviii 36 24  48  59  39.iii
Previous psychotropic
medication a
6 12 13 26 11 22 30 xx.0

Note. N = 150 (n = fifty for each condition). Participants were on average 39.five years old (SD = ten.1), and participant age did not differ past status.

a Reflects the number and percentage of participants answering "yes" to this question.

Sample results of several t tests table

Table 2

Results of Bend-Fitting Analysis Examining the Time Course of Fixations to the Target

Logistic parameter





Cohen's d
Thousand SD Thou SD
Maximum asymptote, proportion .843 .135 .877 .082 0.951 .347 0.302
Crossover, in ms 759 87 694 42 2.877 .006 0.840
Slope, as change in proportion per ms .001 .0002 .002 .0002 2.635 .012 ii.078

Note. For each subject, the logistic function was fit to target fixations separately. The maximum asymptote is the asymptotic caste of looking at the end of the fourth dimension class of fixations. The crossover point is the point in time the function crosses the midway point betwixt peak and baseline. The slope represents the rate of change in the function measured at the crossover. Hateful parameter values for each of the analyses are shown for the 9-year-olds (n = 24) and 16-year-olds (n = xviii), too equally the results of t tests (bold diff variance) comparing the parameter estimates between the two ages.

Sample correlation table

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for Written report Variables






ii three 4 5 6 seven
1. Internal–
external statusa
3,697 0.43 0.49
2. Managing director task
2,134 three.fourteen 0.62 −.08**
3. Starting salaryb 3,697 1.01 0.27 .45** −.01
4. Subsequent promotion 3,697 0.33 0.47 .08** .07** .04*
5. Organizational tenure 3,697 half-dozen.45 6.62 −.29** .09** .01 .09**
6. Unit service
3,505 85.00 6.98 −.25** −.39** .24** .08** .01
seven. Unit of measurement financial
  694 42.61 5.86 .00 −.03 .12* −.07 −.02 .sixteen**

a 0 = internal hires and 1 = external hires.

b A linear transformation was performed on the starting salary values to maintain pay practice confidentiality. The standard deviation (0.27) can be interpreted as 27% of the boilerplate starting salary for all managers. Thus, ±1 SD includes a range of starting salaries from 73% (i.e., 1.00 – 0.27) to 127% (i.east., 1.00 + 0.27) of the average starting salaries for all managers.

c Values reflect the average across 3 years of information.

* p < .05. ** p < .01.

Sample analysis of variance (ANOVA) tabular array

Tabular array one

Means, Standard Deviations, and One-Way Analyses of Variance in Psychological and Social Resources and Cognitive Appraisals




F(1, 294)


M SD Thou SD


2.91 0.49 3.35 0.35 68.87*** .xix
Social support 4.22 one.l v.56 i.20 62.60*** .17
Cognitive appraisals
  Threat two.78 0.87 1.99 0.88 56.35*** .xx
  Challenge 2.48 0.88 2.83 ane.twenty seven.87*** .03
  Cocky-efficacy 2.65 0.79 3.53 0.92 56.35*** .16

*** p < .001.

Sample factor assay table

Table i

Results From a Factor Analysis of the Parental Care and Tenderness (PCAT) Questionnaire

PCAT item

Factor loading

1 two 3

Factor 1: Tenderness—Positive

  20. Yous brand a infant express mirth over and once more by making silly faces. .86 .04 .01
  22. A child blows yous kisses to say goodbye. .85 −.02 −.01
  16. A newborn baby curls its manus around your finger. .84 −.06 .00
  19. Y'all lookout man equally a toddler takes their first step and tumbles gently dorsum
.77 .05 −.07
  25. You encounter a male parent tossing his giggling baby up into the air equally a game. .70 .x −.03

Factor two: Liking

  5. I think that kids are annoying (R) −.01 .95 .06
  8. I can't stand how children whine all the time (R) −.12 .83 −.03
  2. When I hear a child crying, my get-go idea is "shut up!" (R) .04 .72   .01
  11. I don't like to exist around babies. (R) .11 .lxx −.01
  14. If I could, I would hire a nanny to accept care of my children. (R) .08 .58 −.02

Gene 3: Protection

  7. I would hurt anyone who was a threat to a child. −.xiii −.02 .95
  12. I would show no mercy to someone who was a danger to a child. .00 −.05 .74
  xv. I would utilize any means necessary to protect a child, even if I had to
hurt others.
.06 .08 .72
  iv. I would feel compelled to punish anyone who tried to harm a child. .07 .03 .68
  nine. I would sooner go to bed hungry than let a child go without food. .46 −.03 .36

Annotation. N = 307. The extraction method was principal axis factoring with an oblique (Promax with Kaiser Normalization) rotation. Factor loadings higher up .30 are in assuming. Reverse-scored items are denoted with an (R). Adjusted from "Individual Differences in Activation of the Parental Care Motivational Organization: Assessment, Prediction, and Implications," by Due east. E. Buckels, A. T. Beall, K. Thou. Hofer, E. Y. Lin, Z. Zhou, and K. Schaller, 2015, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(iii), p. 501 ( Copyright 2015 past the American Psychological Clan.

Sample regression table

Tabular array three

Moderator Analysis: Types of Measurement and Study Yr




95% CI


Fixed furnishings


.119 .040 .041 .198 .003
     Inventiveness measurementa .097 .028 .042 .153 .001
     Academic accomplishment measurementb −.039 .018 −.074 −.004 .03
     Study yearc .0002 .001 −.001 .002 .76
     Goald −.003 .029 −.060 .054 .91
     Publishedeastward .054 .030 −.005 .114 .07

Random furnishings

    Within-study variance .009 .001 .008 .011 <.001
    Between-study variance .018 .003 .012 .023 <.001

Note. Number of studies = 120, number of furnishings = 782, total Due north = 52,578. CI = confidence interval; LL = lower limit; UL = upper limit.

a0 = self-report, 1 = examination. b0 = test, i = grade indicate average. c Study year was thou centered. d 0 = other, 1 = aye. e 0 = no, 1 = yes.

Sample qualitative table with variable descriptions

Table 2

Primary Narrative Voices: Struggle and Success and Emancipation

Discourse and dimension

Example quote

Struggle and successa

  Self-actualization as member of a larger gay customs is the cease goal of healthy sexual identity evolution, or "coming out"

"My path of gayness ... going from deprival to saying, well this is it, and so the process of coming out, and the process of just sort of, looking around and seeing, well where do I stand in the world, and sort of having, uh, political feelings." (Carl, age 50)

  Maintaining healthy sexual identity entails vigilance against internalization of societal bigotry

"When I'grand like thinking of criticisms of more mainstream gay civilisation, I try to ... make sure it's coming from an appropriate place and not like a place of self-loathing." (Patrick, historic period twenty)


  Open up exploration of an individually fluid sexual self is the goal of salubrious sexual identity development

"[For heterosexuals] the man penetrates the female person, whereas with gay people, I feel similar there is this potential for really playing around with that model a lot, you know, and just experimenting and exploring." (Orion, age 31)

  Questioning detached, monolithic categories of sexual identity

"LGBTQI, you know, and added on so many letters. Um, and information technology does start to raise the question about what the terms hateful and whether ... any term can fairly be descriptive." (Pecker, age 50)

a The struggle and success master narrative states that same-sex activity want/behavior is a natural if relatively uncommon developmental variant distinguishable from heterosexuality. Good for you sexual development entails "coming out" too equally joining a larger gay community in a shared struggle to overcome societal bigotry and be socially recognized as normal.

b The emancipation master narrative states that discrete, monolithic, and mutually exclusive categories of homosexuality and heterosexuality are social constructions, conceptually suspect in their ability to fully capture the idiosyncrasies of sexual subjectivities, desires, and behaviors. This circumscription of sexual cocky within culturally contingent and hegemonic sexual identity categories must be resisted.

Sample mixed methods table

Table 3

Integrated Results Matrix for the Event of Topic Familiarity on Reliance on Author Expertise

Quantitative results

Qualitative results Example quote

When the topic was more familiar (climate change) and cards were more relevant, participants placed less value on author expertise.

When an assertion was considered to exist more than familiar and considered to be full general noesis, participants perceived less demand to rely on author expertise.

Participant 144: "I feel that I know more about climate and there are several things on the climate cards that are obvious, and that if I sort of know it already, then the source is not so critical ... whereas with nuclear energy, I don't know so much so then I'm maybe more than interested in who says what."

When the topic was less familiar (nuclear power) and cards were more relevant, participants placed more value on authors with higher expertise.

When an exclamation was considered to exist less familiar and not general noesis, participants perceived more than need to rely on writer expertise.

Participant 3: "[Nuclear power], which I know much, much less near, I would support my arguments more with what I trust from the professors."

Annotation. We integrated quantitative information (whether students selected a card about nuclear power or about climate change) and qualitative information (interviews with students) to provide a more comprehensive description of students' card selections betwixt the two topics.

Last updated: December 2021 Date created: September 2019


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